What is Platform Event?
•Use platform events to connect business processes in Salesforce and external apps through the exchange of real-time event data. Platform events are secure and scalable messages that contain data. Publishers publish event messages that subscribers receive in real time.
•Platform events are the event messages that your apps send and receive.
Event Driven Architecture
A change in state that is meaningful in a business process. For example, placement of a purchase order is a meaningful event, because the order fulfillment center expects to receive a notification before processing an order.
Event message
A message that contains data about the event. Also known as an event notification. For example, an event message can be a notification about an order placement containing information about the order.
Event producer
The publisher of an event message. For example, an order placement app.
Event channel
A stream of events on which an event producer sends event messages and event consumers read those messages. For platform events, the channel is for one platform event and groups all event messages for that platform event.
Event consumer
A subscriber to a channel that receives messages from the channel. For example, an order fulfillment app that is notified of new orders.
Event bus
A multitenant, multicloud event storage and delivery service based on a publish-subscribe model. The event bus enables the retrieval of stored event messages at any time during the retention window. The event bus is based on a time-ordered event log, which ensures that event messages are stored and delivered in the order that they’re received by Salesforce